Alexia Romanelli
Instituto Nacional de Oftalmologia, Bolivia
Alexia Romanelli has completed Ophthalmology in 1998 from Instituto Nacional de Oftalmología ,UniversidadMayor de San Andrés in La Paz, Bolivia, with and Observership at Primary Children’s Hospital and Moran Eye Center Salt Lake City, Utah; PhD in Ophthalmology at Universidad de Salta, Argentina. Strabismus Fellowship at Asociacion Para Evitar la Ceguera en Mexico, DF and Pediatric Ophthalmology at Hospital J Garrahan Buenos Aires Argentina. She is a member of several Latin- American Ophthalmologu Societies, Councils and WCPOS. She has published as author and coauthor in reputed journals, book chapters, and National Ophthalmology Guidelines in her country. Head of the Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Department at Instituto Nacional de Oftalmologia for 7 years. She is now serving as the National Representative for Prevention of Blindness in ROP.