Daniel Valverde Solis
University of Guayaquil, Ecuador
Title: Title: The Immune System And Visual Health In Pediatric Patients
Biography: Daniel Valverde Solis
It is the only defense weapon that the human body's immune system has. Over 90% of illnesses appear when this becomes unbalanced, and even if not compensated on time, treatments for restoring health becomes longer and not the desired short term results, with high risk of recurrent clinical pictures. This gift of nature is received by each of those who have reached a pregnancy to term, and fed maternal colostrum and full breastfeeding because it is the only way of passing from mother to son and so complete mature system immature immune with which we are born, if pregnancy is not terminated, the mother does not produce maternal colostrum containing transfer factors that help to strengthen and complete the child's immune system. If a mother does not give breastfeeding to her newborn child and the baby is powered by formula, the newborn does not receive transfer factors included in maternal colostrum and certainly his immune system is not strengthened, being unprotected. Children, who have not completed the maturation of their immune system, suffer from many disorders ranging from constant colds, irritability, recurrent allergic processes, hyperactivity, slow to heal pathological processes and quickly falling in recurring pictures, turning to a vicious circle. A regular event in pediatric patients is the alteration of the ocular optical system, which can be associated or not to the alteration of the neuromuscular system, and if we have a hyperactive patient with disorder of the physiological system and if also suffering from ametropia, hyperopic undoubtedly that the symptoms presented by the patient is aggravated. Taking into consideration of this perspective, certainly we have to consider in our history orientation to seek information about the mode of delivery and initial feeding of the pediatric patient, as it would give us valuable information about the comprehensive patient health.