Richard Michael Faris
Regis University, USA
Title: Title: Implications of 3d printing in ophthalmology
Biography: Richard Michael Faris
Innovation and technology have major impacts on ophthalmology with future implications, particularly 3D printing. The advancements in 3D printing are transforming ophthalmology approach to business. Boroujerdi (2014) states “3D printing offers the potential for high degrees of customization, reduced costs for complex designs, and lower overhead costs for short-run parts and products”. Understanding impacts require putting 3D printing into a contextual evaluation and understanding what 3D printing is and how it works. 3D impacts on healthcare put future influences into perspective for ophthalmology. Understanding 3D influences requires comprehension of breakthrough and disruptive technology and the potential for creative destruction. Furthermore, current uses include 3D printable contact lenses, surgical planning, patient education, and retinal imaging adapter that the FDA approved in 2013. Looking towards the future of 3D printing includes a cure for blindness, visual implants, and a functional human eye implant. Potential impacts of 3D require overcoming major challenges. Understanding the challenges and the potential for a pioneering approach to the issues can points to the speed of future development.