Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, will be organized around the theme “Exploring the novel research and innovations in eye and visual system”
Eye 2016 is comprised of 12 tracks and 64 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Eye 2016.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Eye Diseases and the various treatments available today: Excessive usage of digital technology has increased the amount of strain on the eyes . There are some natural ways to improve vision like eye exercises, better diet and lifestyle changes. External eye disorders that affect people are Trichiasis, Poliosis, Madarosis, Infestations, Infections and various other external eye disorders can be treated with simple treatment techniques. Retinoblastoma as the name suggests is the cancer of the retina present at the rear end of the eye ball. It usually develops starts before birth when retinoblasts do not stop diving to develop into retinal cells. Eye allergies like can be triggered by simple tihings like pollen and can be caused when the body's immune system is sensitized and overreacts. Causes of eye diseases include ageing to exposure to UV radiation. Prevention of eye diseases is possible by making changes in lifestyle and better access to eye care. The various eye disorders being discussed will be Usher Syndrome, Eyelid Inflammation/Blepharitis, Lazy Eye/Amblyopia, Eye Strain, Black Eye, Eyelid Swelling, Mascular degeneration and cataracts, Dry Eyes, Conjunctivitis/Pinkeye, Blindness, Colour and Night blindnes.
- Track 2-1Natural ways to improve Vision
- Track 2-2External Eye Disorders
- Track 2-3Retinoblastoma
- Track 2-4Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
- Track 2-5Eye Allergies, Injuries and Eye Floaters
- Track 2-6Eye Disease Causes and Prevention
- Track 2-7Various Eye Diseases: Usher Syndrome, Eyelid Inflammation/Blepharitis, Lazy Eye/Amblyopia, Eye Strain, Black Eye, Eyelid Swelling, Mascular degeneration and cataracts, Dry Eyes, Conjunctivitis/Pinkeye, Blindness, Colour and Night blindness
Cornea is the outermost layer of the eye. It is clear, dome shaped and covers the front of the eye. Corneal disease is a serious condition that leads to clouding, distortion, scarring and eventually blindness. The major Corneal diseases include allergies, conjuctivitis, corneal infections, dry eye, fuch's dystrophy, Corneal Dystrophies, Herpes Zoster, Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome, keratoconus, Lattice Dystrophy, Ocular Herpes, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Tests conducted to detect structural and functional abnormalities of the cornea help surgeons in the investigation of the corneal diseases. Some of these abnormalities include alterations in topography, transparency change in endothelial cell morphology and function, loss of epithelial integrity, loss of sensation, opacification, and vascularization. Corneal ulcer is an open sore on the cornea. Causes of this sore range from infection to physical/chemical trauma to over/misuse of contact lenses. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) keratitis is the most frequent cause of corneal blindness in the United States and the most common source of infectious blindness in the Western world. Keratitis Medicamentosa is a condition developed due to the topical application of medications. The corneal epithelium may slough and may lead to corneal scarring and vascularization. Most corneal degenerations are caused due to inherited diseases such as keratoconus and Fuch's endothelial dystrophy. Recurrent corneal erosion is a condition characterized by the recurrent breakdown of corneal epithelium. This is caused due to the disturbance of the epithelial basement membrane. Corneal transplantation, also known as corneal grafting, is a surgical procedure where a damaged or diseased cornea is replaced by donated corneal tissue. The miscellaneous corneal diseases include Refractive errors, Allergies, Infections and Injuries.
- Track 3-1Investigation of corneal disease
- Track 3-2Corneal ulceration
- Track 3-3Epithelial keratitis & drug-induced epithelial keratitis
- Track 3-4Corneal degeneration
- Track 3-5Miscellaneous corneal disorders
- Track 3-6Recurrent corneal erosion
- Track 3-7Corneal transplantation
- Track 3-8Corneal Cross Linking
Retina are the light sensitive cells located at the rear end of the eye. They send light sensitive information to the brain. The most common retinal disorders include Macular degeneration, Diabetic eye disease, Retinal detachment, Retinoblastoma, Macular pucker, Macular hole, Floaters etc. Age related macular degeneration is the major cause of loss of vision in people over 60 in America. Reasons include death of cells in the macula part of the eye due to abnormal growth of blood vessels under the macula or the slow breakdown of the cells in the macula. Myopic macular degeneration is a condition where the eyeball grows and stretches, it may cause degeneration of or scarring in the layers under the retina causing loss of central vision. These cracks can serve as a passage for abnormal blood vessels to grow under the retina. Diabetic retinopathy and retino vascular disease are diseases involving damage to the blood vessels in the retina. Color vision defects are conditions that effect the perception of color in indiciduals. Retina degeneration is the deterioration of the retina caused by the progressive and eventual death of the cells of the retina. Ocular Oncology referes to the malignant intraocular tumors and retinoblastoma. Retinal Vascular tumors include neoplastic hemangioblastomas and the cavernous hemangiomas. Hemangioblastomas as sporadic and solitary tumores. Characterizing the mechanisms of the retinal cells in human and animal models helps further the understanding of Cell and Molecular Biology of the Retina. This can form the basis of diagnosis and treatment of various retinal diseases.
- Track 4-1Age-related macular degeneration
- Track 4-2Myopic macular degeneration
- Track 4-3Diabetic retinopathy & retino vascular disease
- Track 4-4Color vision defects
- Track 4-5Retina degeneration
- Track 4-6Retinal tumors/Ocular Oncology
- Track 4-7Cell and Molecular Biology of the Retina
- Track 4-8Microperimetry
Glaucoma is a group of progressive degenerative disorders of the optic nerves of the eye. This can result in vision loss and prevention is only possible if detected and treated in early stages. The etiology of the disease needs better understanding. Intracranial pressure is proposed by most scientists as the main cause of Glaucoma. The optic nerve is a part of the central nervous system and is one of the major causes of Glaucoma. Angle Recession Glaucoma is charaterized by variable degree of cleavage between the longitudinal fibers of the ciliary muscle caused due to a blunt trauma to ocule of the eye.
- Track 5-1Glaucoma & Intracranial Pressure
- Track 5-2Glaucoma & the CNS
- Track 5-3Angle Recession Glaucoma
- Track 5-4Ocular Hypertension Basics
- Track 5-5Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma
- Track 5-6Normal-Tension Glaucoma
- Track 5-7Tube Shunts: A New Drainage Device for Glaucoma
The field of research in surgical and medical ophthalmology is growing rapidly and making tremendous impact in medical sciences and pharmaceuticals. The current research in the field of neuro ophthalmology include the application of stemcells in the reversal of visual loss due to optic nerve diseases, optic nerve regeneration etc. Innovative techniques in opthalmology include specialized in treatment of disorders related to the nervous system that affect vision such as optic neuritis, optic neuropathy and brain tumors. Ocular Microbiology, Pathology and Immunology include the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases of the eye. Ophthalmology Clinical Trials give the latest updates on the successful specialized in clinical trials and studies for the treatment of eye disorders and diseases. Ophthalmic Instruments used in the Surgical and Medical Ophthalmology have minimized the error levels and facilitate a safe and controlled surgery. New medical interventions for maintaining good eye sight help in practicing good eye habits and help prevent diseases.
- Track 6-1Novel Research in Ophthalmology
- Track 6-2Research Issues in Ophthalmology
- Track 6-3Neuro-Ophthalmology and Research
- Track 6-4Innovative Techniques in Ophthalmology
- Track 6-5Ocular Microbiology, Pathology and Immunology
- Track 6-6Ophthalmology Clinical Trials
- Track 6-7Ophthalmic Instrument used in the Surgical and Medical Ophthalmology
- Track 6-8New medical interventions for maintaining good eye sight
Novel Approaches in Eye Therapeutics include the latest therapeutoc ideas to treat major eye problems such as dry eyes, glaucoma, macular degeneration, anterior eye. Many pharmaceuticals are researching compounds that are in investigational stages that can help improve the conditions of Dry Eye Therapeutics. New Horizons for Glaucoma Therapy is a great introduction session to emerging technologies in the treatment of Glaucoma. The latest developments include but are not restricted to applying the basics of gene therapeutic approach for the treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The Anterior Eye and Therapeutics session aims at understanding the role of therapeutics in the management of these conditions. Laser Treatments its Advantages and Disadvantages is a noninvasive procedure has helped a lot ot people in various ocular surgeries but not without disadvantages. Development of new drug candidates and novel delivery techniques for treatment of ocular diseases has recently accelerated. Advances in prodrug formulations and permeability enhancers and more novel techniques will be discussed.
- Track 7-1Dry Eye Therapeutics
- Track 7-2New Horizons for Glaucoma Therapy
- Track 7-3Therapeutic Targets for Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Track 7-4The Anterior Eye and Therapeutics
- Track 7-5Laser Treatments its Advantages and Disadvantages
- Track 7-6Effective Delivery Techniques in Ocular Drug Delivery
Vision Science and Optometry deals with the current developments in optometry, visual optics, and eye & vision science. Artificial Vision and Ecology of Colour deals with the latest developments in retinal implants; a type that stimulates the retina with electrodes also called an artificial retina. Biomedical Optics and Ophthalmic Lasers help in the development of optical systems for medical diagnostic applications and the studies on the optics of the eye. Visual Neuroscience session concentrates on understanding neural activity results in visual perception. Refractive Error and Physiological Optics session deals with the basic questions on the contemporary research in optometry and its physilogical aspects. Binocular Vision & Vision therapy cannot be treated with glasses, contact lenses or patching. This session discusses the various sets of visual therapeutics given to those with binocular vision.
- Track 8-1Artificial Vision and Ecology of Colour
- Track 8-2Biomedical Optics and Ophthalmic Lasers
- Track 8-3Visual Neuroscience
- Track 8-4Refractive Error and Physiological Optics
- Track 8-5Binocular Vision & Vision therapy
Protective Eye Care and New Advancements deals with the latest advancements in the Protective Eye Care ranging from supplements to medications. Contact Lenses discusses the the conditions that make lens wear more challenging. Management of deformities and abnormalities of the eyelids, eyes and the adjacent face are going to be discussed in Ophthalmic-Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Eyedrops: the varied types of eye drops being used to treat diseases without major side effects will be discussed here. Implantable Contact Lenses is a major breakthrough for people with severe myopia also called phakic intraocular lenses.
- Track 9-1Contact Lenses
- Track 9-2Ophthalmic-Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
- Track 9-3Eyedrops
- Track 9-4Implantable Contact Lenses
New Technologies and Diagnostic Tools discusses the state-of-the-art instrumentation facilities and the pace of technological and scientific development in Optometry. Use of Various Diagnostic Tools: Electronic medical records, Digital Fundus Camera, Optical coherence tomography, Retinal Cameras improves the diagnostic ability for optical diseases. High Tech Tools and its advantages ensure accurate prescriptions and diagnoses for the best care possible.
- Track 10-1Use of Various Diagnostic Tools: Electronic medical records, Digital Fundus Camera, Optical coherence tomography, Retinal Cameras
- Track 10-2High Tech Tools and its advantages
- Track 10-3Effective Ways of Using Ocular Instruments
Eye Movements refers to the voluntary or involuntary movement of the eyes, helping in acquiring, fixating and tracking visual stimuli. Types of Eye Movements and Their Function can be both voluntary and involuntary along with the pupillary reactions and control of the lens. Eye Movement Disorders mostly affect from birth and majority of them are still partially treatable. Extraocular Muscle Actions: Rectus Muscles and Oblique Muscles session will have discussion regarding the varied eye muscle movements and involuntary actions. Supranuclearcenters, located in the brain stem, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, and the cerebral cortex, direct the movements of the eyes.
- Track 11-1Types of Eye Movements and Their Function
- Track 11-2Eye Movement Disorder
- Track 11-3Extraocular Muscle Actions: Rectus Muscles and Oblique Muscles
- Track 11-4Supranuclear Control of Eye Movements
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus deals with diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of eye disorders in the pediatric age group and the treatment of strabismus or abnormal alignment of the eyes. Pediatric Eye care is essential to help understand and prescibe the best possible treatment for eye disorders in children. Partial vision loss that cannot be corrected causes a vision impairment in children known as pediatric low vision. Ways to Improve Visual Health discusses lifestyle changes and good practices to maintain and improve visual health. Evaluation and Treatment of Amblyopia session will have discussion ranging from the identification of the "lazy eye" to the proper treatment.
- Track 12-1Pediatric Eye care
- Track 12-2Pediatric and Low Vision Care
- Track 12-3Ways to Improve Visual Health
- Track 12-4Evaluation and Treatment of Amblyopia